Friday, January 8, 2010

A Diet That Works! Part II

I'm reading: A Diet That Works! Part IITweet this!
In my last post, I told you why low carb diets work.  Now I'd like to tell you why some low carb diets don't work!

There are two primary reasons for the failure of the low-carb nutrition plans: boredom and media bashing.

One causes irritability. The other, doubt. Unless you're certain that your plan will work, you will eventually go off of it.

This is true of any plan, no matter how ideal it is. Certainty rules.

That's why I believe in having a flexible, tasty plan like Every Other Day Diet.

Then boredom is easily solved.

Jon Benson shares my own unique ideas about "cycling" carbs and fats in the presentation here: ------> Every Other Day Diet

Believe me it really works.  I've used the EODD before and I never found myself irratible.  I've also tried the Atkins diet and although it works, I thought my wife was going to divorce me because of all of my mood swings!
Using Jon's cycle strategy you will rarely if ever become bored and you will not become irratible. And your body will burn more bodyfat too. It's just a cheap metabolic trick...but boy, it works.

The second reason is media and medical bias. One study after another has proven that low-carb plans, even the Atkins plan, works and is safe to use for most people.

Check with your doctor first, of course.

I've seen researchers get down-right angry when the results come back. In one study, carried out for a full year, the low-carb plan out-performed the so-called "healthy" Dean Ornish plan.

Lower blood fats, more fatloss, and more energy were the results.

My preference always comes back to low-carb nutrition. I just cycle it in a way that allows me to get plenty of veggies, some grains, and ample fiber.

Even a slice of cheesecake here and there... : )

Hey...I said "low-carb", not "low-life!"  That's another downfall with most other low carbs diets.  You can't enjoy anything!  With the Every Other Day Diet, I am able to have 'reward' meals!
P.S. One of these days the mainstream medical community will wake up to the fact that 90% of the population will never eat 15 servings of veggies per day.

While this may be "optimal", it's not at all practical. I'd rather give you down-to- earth practical nutrition advice that you CAN and WILL follow -- and enjoy.

Makes sense, doesn't it? ------> Every Other Day Diet

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