My primary goal is to get lean so I can see my abs, but with summer approaching fast, it would be great to have a nice set of guns to go with the abs to, right?
I don't care if you are a guy or a girl, walking around in a bathing suit with toned arms is always nice. I believe it give confidence to both sexes, it boosts a guys ego to know he can walk around the beach and flex (hate to tell you guys, but they surveyed women and they notice your 'V' shape first, not your arms. But if great arms make you feel better, go for it!!). It makes a woman feel good that she doesn't have flab bouncing around the back of her arms.

Like I said, my primary focus is getting lean so I can see my 6 pack abs. BUT getting lean will also bring out the definition in my arms!! Since my Turbulence Training workouts concentrate on whole body workouts, I really do not hit my arms in isolation during the week, but I manage to fit in 2 super-sets a week that hit my biceps and triceps.
My "Reformed Meathead Fatloss" program has me do an arms super set on Workout A. For Workout C Craig gives you the 'option' of doing his 3 minute arms or a arm workout of your own. Of course there is no option of doing arms and looking good, its a necessity.
Here are 2 supersets I alternate with Craig's 3 minutes arm program to keep my arms guessing (Please note, I only do 1 of these supersets a workout):
Dropset - Superset
Use a weighted cable pulley and move the adjustments so you can do triceps pull downs (with a rope attachment) and then quickly switch to cable curls.
1A) Triceps Pull downs - Start with 100lbs, do 10 reps and than quickly drop to 80lbs and do 10 reps and continue lowering the weight and doing 10 reps with no rest until you reach 20lbs.
IMMEDIATELY Followed by (no rest):
1B ) Cable Curls - Start with 100lbs, do 10 reps and than quickly drop to 80lbs and do 10 reps and continue lowering the weight and doing 10 reps with no rest until you reach 20lbs.
Do 2 - 3 sets of this superset and call it a day!
Preacher Curl - Skull Crushers Superset
Using a EZ Curl bar find a weight that you can do 8 reps of preacher curls and 8 reps of Skull Crushers (ie. Tricep extensions lying down on a bench). Do the preacher curls and immediately jump to a bench and without rest do the skull crushers.
1A) Preacher Curls 8 reps
1B) Skull Crushers 8 reps
Do 2 - 3 sets of this superset and call it a day!
Combine these supersets with your total body workouts and you'll see nice results and some strength increases in your arms. I know we are all busy people, so this should allow you to hit your arms without spending a whole workout just devoted to arms (how would you get lean and get 6 pack abs by doing that??).
Guys, please don't expect to get huge arms from this. Remember 80% of everything is diet. If you eating for a calorie deficit because you are trying to get cut or lean, then you can't expect to pack on size to your arms. In order to do that you would have to consume more calories.
What this will do is keep your arms looking great and increase your strength. You'll be surprised how big your arms look when you body fat drops!
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