Here are 3 awesome recipes from Kardena Pauza's EasyVeggie Meal Plans.
Let me know what you think of them!

1) Strawberry-Mango Smoothie - 385 calories
1 cup strawberries stemmed
1/2 mango peeled
3/4 cup/6 oz Almond milk or Raw almond yogurt
4 Brazilian Nuts (Raw & Soaked)
2 tsp agave or brown rice syrup or Really Raw Honey, or 2-3 Dates
1 medium sized Cucumber
1 tsp NutriBiotic Vanilla Brown Rice Protein Powder
Add ˝ Cup Water and blend together
Optional: Dash Stevia, water, ice to taste only
Place all ingredients in a high powered blender. Add several cubes of ice if desired and blend until smooth. Continue adding ice untildesired consistency is reached. Pour into glass and garnish with mint leaf as option.
2) Breakfast Quinoa - Calories 369, Carbs 46g, Protein 15g, Fat 13g
1/4 cup uncooked quinoa
2 Tbsp hemp seeds
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk or fresh made almond milk
1 Tbsp raisins
1 med fresh peachź teaspoon vanilla extract
Stevia or agave nectar to sweeten
Rinse Quinoa and combine with almond milk and water. Bring to aslow simmer, then cover and cook for about 15 minutes until the quinoa is tender. Stir in the remaining ingredients and place in food processor or blender and puree slightly. Ready to eat.
3) Portobello Mushroom Burger - 365 Calories (Craig Ballantyne'sFavorite Veggie Recipe!)
1 Portobello mushroom cap
.5 cup balsamic vinegar
1 tsp olive oil
dash dried basil
dash dried oregano
dash minced garlic
1 oz (2 tbsp) sharp cheese or vegan cheese
1 tablespoons bottled teriyaki sauce
1 slices of Ezekiel bread
1 cup of tomato (slices)
Sea salt and pepper to taste
Place the mushroom caps, smooth side up, in a shallow dish. In a small bowl, whisk together vinegar, oil, basil, oregano, garlic,salt, and pepper. Pour over the mushrooms. Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes or so, turning twice. Preheat grill formedium-high heat. Brush grate with oil. Place mushrooms on the grill, reservingmarinade for basting. Grill for 5 to 8 minutes on each side, oruntil tender. Brush with marinade frequently. Top with cheese during the last 2 minutes of grilling.
And remember, if you don't want to, you don't have to go vegetarianeveryday, but in this day of "agri-business", "factory farming","E.coli outbreaks", and "industrial agriculture pollution", there'sa lot to be said about building a better body without meat.
Just a few of Kardena's recipes will help you transform your bodywhen added to any meal plan.
Click here for all of the meal plans and recipes at HALF-OFF:
=> Veggie Meal Plan
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