My wife is going through the nesting stage of her pregnancy so I was regulated to cleaning everything and anything this weekend (I think I have a couple more weekends of cleaning before this is done.) Since I did not make it to the gym, I did manage to get away from scrubbing the floor and sneak in a workout while my wife was in the shower. Here's what I did.
10 Pullups (I have the Irongym, great investment for $20)

Body Weight Squats - 20 secs of squatting, 10 seconds holding at the bottom of the squat. Repeat 8 times.
Pushups - 20 seconds of pushups, 10 seconds holding in the top position. Repeat 4 times.
10 more pullups.
4, 2 minute rounds on the heavy bag with 1 minute rest.
I was able to do this workout in about 3o minutes while my wife was showering and got back to scrubbing my floors without her noticing. It was funny because she came downstairs and saw me sweating. She felt bad because she thought I was sweating from scrubbing, little did she know that I just had did a kick-butt workout!
Just a reminder that the Turbulence Training 5th Transformation Contest starts tomorrow!!
What a better way to get motivated, get leaner and have a chance to win a thousand dollars! If that isn't a great investment, I don't know what is. Even if you don't win, the weight loss is reward enough.
This time I will be going even harder than the 4th TT Transformation Contest. I've been slacking these last few weeks with my eating because I've been concentrating on work and the baby, but this contest will provide the motivation I need to achieve my 6 pack abs.
Don't worry, you have until May 26, 2009 to sign up for the contest. I will probably not start the contest for another week or two.
Turbulence Training 5th Transformation Contest
Transformation Contest Rules
Turbulence Training
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