Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Today's Workout and Menu

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Here's my meals and workout for today:


Breakfast: Blueberries, Strawberries and Walnuts top with fat free milk (this is my healthy substitute for cereal)

Lunch: Omelet - 2 eggs w/ 4 egg whites with half a green bell pepper, mushrooms and onions. Slice of whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter.
Snack: Banana and almonds

Dinner: Chili with a salad. The salad had 2 hard boiled eggs and was topped with a little balsamic vinegar.


I didn't have time today to get my Turbulence Training workout in so I did an interval workout around Tabatas. The intervals included exercises that use weights and body weight so you get a resistance workout and cardio workout at once. My goal for this contest is to train like an athlete.

Tabatas: 20seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. I moved on to the next exercise with minimal rest.

DB Snatch/Clean/Press - 35 LB DB - Did each arm for 3 intervals

Jump Squats - 3 intervals

Push Ups - 3 intervals

Step Ups onto bench - Each leg 3 intervals

10 minutes walking on the treadmill @ 3.5mph at an incline of 5.

It was a very short workout, I finished in around 25 minutes, but it was a great workout. I was drenched in sweat and was really struggling to catch my breath after the Tabata's.

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