I'm officially starting the Turbulance Training Transformation Contest #6 tomorrow. These last few weeks I've really been slacking on my quest to get ripped and obtain my six pack abs. Tomorrow I change all of that, no more excuses!!
Why I think you should join the contest with me:

1. You are going to lose weight! Even if you make small changes to your diet and perform the Turbulance Training workouts as prescribed, you will see results! With those results you will be happier with what you see in the mirror, will start showing more confidence in yourself, will feel dramatically better, will have more energy for your kids, will see your sex life improve, etc. Get the picture?? Starting small and losing weight little by little can have dramatic results!!
2. The cash prizes!! So not only will you lose weight and feel better, but you have a chance to win $1,000! What makes this even better is that Craig splits the contest into male and female categories and also offers prizes for 2nd and 3rd places!
3. You have built in accountability when you sign up. Most people do not stick to their diet/exercise program when they try to lose weight. Craig has solved this problem by giving you at least 1 month free to TTMembers.com. This is Craig's forum where you can go to talk to other TT Members about your weight lose jourey and ask questions when you get stuck. Personally I like to post my before pictures on the forum. By putting my pictures on the internet and in front of strangers, it forces me to stick to my goals. I wouldn't want to post final pictures with no results with all these people watching, right?
4. A FREE prize for everyone who finishes the contest. As long as you submit before and after photos Craig will give you access to TTMembers.com for 6 months! He usually charges $20 a month for the use of his forums, so you'd be getting a $120 gift just for losing weight!
I actually think TTMembers.com is worth more than the $120. Not only will you have access to hundreds of other TT followers, but you will have access to Craig directly. PLUS you will be able to download Craig's monthly workouts!
5. If you are still hesitant about Turbulance Training, Craig is offering a trial offer. You can sign up for Turbulence Training for $4.95 and try it for 21 days. If you don't like the program, return it, no questions asked!!
If you want to sign up for the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest 6 with me, please click this link. You won't be disappointed!
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